Monday, 20 August 2007

I missed the crop again :(

Well I missed the crop yet again! Brandon had somewhere to be for work and I spent all my "pin money" for the month so I couldn't go..:( I did however scrap the whole time of the crop and got two layouts done! That is what the goal was for the night! I used my new scrummy yummy Kewl kit that came in from the Prima site! Check em out!


Sandie said...

We missed you too!! But well done on 2 layouts, they are fab too.

Mary B said...

Brilliant LOs Denita, super colours. sorry you couldn't make it but you did better than me as far as LOs are concerned.

About Me

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A single mom raising of five + one extra. Always missing her angel in Heaven. Struggling to balance kids work and life. Praising God for all his blessings.